Table of contents

Volume 5, Issue 2, October 2019


Oct 2019

La categoria della formazione nell’opera di Margiotta

Massimo Baldacci
Open access

Theory of training: professional contexts

Desarrollo profesional del profesorado: La formación de competencias docentes

Open access

Educational theories

Vygotsky pedagogo: La Enseñanza para el Desarrollo

Open access

Gramsci and his New School in the Old World commentary

Open access

Dina Bertovi Jovine as Gramsci’s exegete

Open access

Theories and teaching models

Towards an integrated model of curriculum

Open access

Flipping principle. Problematics and potentialities of a Flipped Classroom approach

Open access

Theories and practices of inclusion

EAS method and inclusive didactic in a competence-oriented school

Open access

The Role of Cooperative Learning on Fostering Intercultural Competence

Open access

Social contexts of education

Information and Communication Technologies in school-family communication and parental involvement in children’s schooling: data from a research

Open access