EAS method and inclusive didactic in a competence-oriented school

Simona Perfetti

The method of the EAS, Episodes of Sited Learning, developed by Rivoltella in 2014 together with CREMIT researchers and teachers, is proposed as a different model of schooling. An EAS is built on three main periods: an anticipatory moment, that is a task that is delivered to the classroom and that can be a video to watch or an experience to do, usually in flipped mode, to be done at home; an operative moment in which the class has to develop an individual or group micro-activity in which it is necessary to produce an artifact, (a conceptual map, a short video); a moment of restructuring i.e. debriefing, or a critical reflection on the processes activated and that can be achieved either through a brainstorming, or through more structured analysis methodologies. The teacher then concludes with a brief lesson in which he sets the key concepts and puts further details.
This is because when you work for EAS on the one hand you leave room for discovery and problem solving, group work, the production and issue of artifacts are encouraged, and on the other hand you aim at an inclusive teaching, that is, how a teaching that bets on those strategies and methods can enhance, educatively, the personal profile of the students.

EAS, Inclusion, School, Cooperation
