Table of contents

Volume 9, Issue 1, April 2023


Apr 2023


Massimo Baldacci
Open access

Intercultural pedagogy

From Ethics of Care to Unconditional Hospitality

Open access

Pedagogical theories

Antonio Gramsci, education and the Prison Notebooks

Open access

Teacher training

Pedagogy and open science in transdisciplinary teacher training

Open access

Educational models

A project for the Italian Pedagogy

Open access

Theories and didactic models

The School of Merit

Open access

Theories and models of evaluation

Monitor and evaluate the development of ethical social education learning

Open access

Educational theories and models

Learning strategiesand technology use

Open access

Social pedagogy

From oppression to liberationof the person

Open access

Childhood literature

Pedagogy of reading for pleasure

Open access

Social contexts of education

Villaggio per la Terra

Open access