From Ethics of Care to Unconditional Hospitality

Rubens Lacerda de Sá

Beyond the ethical proposal in Lévinas, Dussel, Freire, et al. (Sá, 2021c), I would like to debate the Heideggerian ethics of care (Heidegger, 2002; 2005) and the dynamics of Derrida’s hospitality (Derrida, 2003; Sá, 2020a) coinciding with the project of social emancipation of migrants (Sousa Santos, 2002). This discussion gives rise to an invitation to dialogue between researchers interested in the condition of migrants in the process of crossing (Sayad, 1998; 2000). If so, it seems feasible that progress can be made in rejecting the hybridity that leads to silencing (Gilligan, 1982; Cusicanqui, 2021) and the erasure of the roots and ethos of migrants (Sá, 2016a; 2021b). In addition, I will try to ensure that the whole dialogue of this text has a tone of denunciation of the invisibility of the migrant and that it is established in a bordered way from the epistemological South, even perhaps irrigated, by the anticolonial onto-epistemology as an option for the dismantling of coloniality, which sustains the myth of modernity, its mirages and the ideological fallacy of the pensée unique (Campos, 1991; Freire, 1992; Ramonet, 1995; Sousa Santos, 2021).


Ethics of care, Hospitality, Migration.
