From oppression to liberationof the person

Enrico Bocciolesi

The essay presented here follows two epistemological paths, which have in parallel been conforming, first in Brazil with Freire, and then in Argentina and Mexico with Ferreiro. The proximity of the two thoughts oriented to education and critical thinking, aimed at a subsequent perspective of complexity, has been marked for the author of Recife by an exile and finally an apparent understanding of the methodology at the national level, while for Piaget’s pupil, it will be based on liberation through symbolic considerations beginning at an early age. This reflective proposal unfolds through a reasoning aimed at liberation and is framed in terms of both the oppressor and the subaltern. The objective of this contribution, without claiming to be exhaustive, is to be able to recover the comparison and educational closeness of the two proposals, finally moving towards a single horizon, that of free and critical learning, thus going «beyond subordination issues» (Baldacci, 2022).


Critical thinking, Paulo Freire, Emilia Ferreiro.
