Table of contents

Volume 11, Issue 3, October 2018


Oct 2018


Annamaria Di Fabio, Mario Fulcheri, Guido Sarchielli
Open access

Invited articles

The SELF-DISS: A comprehensive measure of self-defeating interpersonal style

Open access

The Big-Three Perfectionism Scale Short Form (BTPS-SF): First contribution to the validation of the Italian version

Open access

Health, well-being and a sustainably built environment: from the new research area of psychology of sustainability and sustainable development to innovation in architectural research

Open access

Studies and research

The culture of change and innovation between science and conscience

Open access

The Italian Alliance for Sustainable Development: future challenges and perspectives

Open access

The sustainability of urban spaces for healthier societies

Open access

The sustainability of fundamental rights in relation to available economic resources

Open access

Human rights evolution. New rights, new meanings, new challenges

Open access


A contribution to the validation of the Q-TEST: an online questionnaire for the evaluation of potential in work contexts

Open access


Counseling and positive psychology

Open access

Work and organizational psychology and counseling

Open access

A Bridge Between Education and Labor. The FIxO Program (Training and Innovation for Employment)

Open access


Open access


Open access


Open access