Thoughts and theories
An interculturAn intercultural theatrical practice. The oriental imaginary and the poor theatre of Grotowski
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Experiences and projects
TOgether Project, a community of practice for the development of the Theatre of the Oppressed in Europe. Evaluation of a research-action path.
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Theater as a tool of resistance among children and adolescents in Palestine
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Building community across checkpoints: doing Theatre of the Oppressed in Palestine
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Waiting for the wind. About theather as a disruptive agent
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The theater for the promotion of intercultural dialogue: the experience of Mus-e Roma Onlus
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Theatre as Education to Otherness
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The dance of words. A theatrical workshop for migrant women to discover the Italian language
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Action methods as tools for intercultural integration
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Riccardo Mazzeo e Tāriq Ramadān, Il musulmano e l’agnostico. The dialogue for knowledge and interculturality are indispensable partners for each other
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Francesco Cappa, Formazione come teatro, Milano, Raffaello Cortina
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