Theatre as Education to Otherness

Vito Minoia

The paper related to the existential and professional life of the author. Theatrical language (and its different scenic practices) is identified as a privileged instrument of pedagogic and formative interventions. By documenting some of the operative interventions, the written helps to establish a common understanding that integration and inclusion processes as well as enhancement of everybody potentialities are possible and, indeed, very needed. With particular attention to the prisoners, the intention is to activate transversality of competences and educational strategies «for everybody», integrated with a cooperative approach through the autobiographical device. Laboratory experiences to which the text refers have been addressed, in the region of Marche (Italy), to male and female people in prisons, with the belief that jail today is a real «new educational emergency». Although the results are preliminary, there are some elements that allow to identify good practices. Among those, the educational interventions in penal institutions have been very successful.


Theatre, prison, inclusive education
