Action methods as tools for intercultural integration

Daniele Reggianini, Mascia Papi

The identity is played between two poles: the individual and the society. The individual identity expression manifests itself as a personality. The social identity expression manifests itself as a culture. The present of man on the stage of history is expressed and divided into a multitude of distinct personalities and different cultures. From the beginning, the birth of cultures and their diffusion has always been accompanied and supported by representation and dramatization forms. The father of Classical Psychodrama, Jacob Levy Moreno, already in the second decay of last century developed several methods and processes to transform and integrate the two different identity dimensions: the subjective and collective one. This study concerns principles, theory and methods through which Moreno pursued his goal, by using the group forces for the benefit of both individual and collective identity. The tools used by Moreno are theatre performance, group dynamics, social action and Sociometry.


Identity, acting, integration
