Table of contents

Volume 16, Issue 3, September 2017


Sep 2017

Una rivista e la formazione. Costruire un periscopio e... la ricotta

Andrea Canevaro
Open access


Disabilità intellettiva: vita adulta, percorsi di autonomia, sviluppo affettivo e sessuale

Open access

Transition to adulthood for young people with Intellectual Disabilities

Open access

The «Matrici Ecologiche» project for the life quality of people with severe disabilities

Open access

Promoting the autonomy and self-determination of youths and adults with intellectual disabilities: Methodological approaches

Open access

New trends in training processes for people with intellectual disabilities in Spain

Open access

Women and intellectual disability: The selfdetermination perspective

Open access

Towards best practices in care

Open access

«Home is where I want to be». The perceptions about the independent housing of people with intellectual disabilities and university students

Open access

Cantiere aperto

Promoting the well-being of crèche educators with individual competences and organisational dynamics: A pedagogical insight

Open access

Provincial Helpdesk for Autism: The experience of a local support centre in Monza and Brianza

Open access


Aggiornamenti normativi

Open access