«Home is where I want to be». The perceptions about the independent housing of people with intellectual disabilities and university students

Fabio Bocci, Ines Guerini

The authors of this paper describe the first results emerging from a survey, which aims to investigate some issues related to the house choices of people with intellectual impairment. This survey belongs to a wider research project which refers to the independent life of disabled people. Referring to the survey, it seemed useful to involve some university students living away from home to detect their opinion about the opportunity of living with disabled people. In fact, the aim of the wider research project is to test the possibility of identifying some unusual housing solutions which can really be inclusive. We actually think that acting inclusive processes — rather than stating them from the value level — is the current challenge to satisfy the requests of a self-determined and independent life of people with impairment or something other disadvantage or vulnerability. The so far emerged data seem to give in this direction useful suggestions.

Independent living, adult disability, housing choices, life’s plan, university
