Table of contents

Volume 66, Issue 2, April 2019


Apr 2019


Giovanna Carugno, Antonio Dellagiulia

Sezione monografica

Introduction to the art therapies: Historical overview and perspectives of professional valorization in the Italian context

Presentation of a psycho-pedagogical training model focused on the approach of integrated arts therapies

The music Art of interiority: For a sound phenomenology

Dance Movement Therapy as a Source for the Clinical Work and for the Social Body

Through the body: Physicality and corporeity in aesthetic experience and psychotherapy

From black print to braille: A path of musical learning for blind students

Formative value of choral singing in inclusive school practices of emotional alphabetization: Some operational guidelines for the preschool

Embody Creativity: The role of the body in the creative process

Music therapy and theatre therapy in dialogue: Relationship and treatment tools

Dance Movement Therapy in Continuous Education Processes

Studi e ricerche

Narration as self-care: Simona Vinci gives voice to fear. A pedagogical journey within literature

La leadership trasformativa nel contesto educativo: ricerca empirica tra i presidi delle scuole salesiane in India

«in memoriam»

Giuseppe Mari e Orientamenti Pedagogici

Orientamenti bibliografici
