Table of contents

Volume 71, Issue 2, April 2024


Apr 2024

La cura educativa delle relazioni affettive e sessuali nella complessità contemporanea

Marialibera D'Ambrosio, Francesca Napoletano

Studies and research

Teacher self-evaluation in view of meaningful learning

Resilience and coping as protective factors to promote adaptation and reduce the effects of migratory stress. A transcultural study in the Italian context

Listening as a means of intersystemic balance for inclusion. some reflections

Artificial Intelligence and inclusive school. Is this connection possible?

Tattoo as a «performative narrative». educational potential of the inked flesh

Experiences, documents and reflections

The teaching of Basic Life Support is remembered over time by primary school children. The project «Un battito di mani».

Toward a possible school. Problems, perspectives, and proposals for quality education

Bibliographical guidelines
