The teaching of Basic Life Support is remembered over time by primary school children. The project «Un battito di mani».

Luca Dal Corso, Riccardo Alban, Elena Anselmi, Michael Antolini, Massimiliano Aldegheri, Alberto Burro, Fabio Rossi, Alessia Maria Turchetti, Michele Zandonà, Simone Sebastiani

Early initiation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) manoeuvres while awaiting advanced rescue has been shown to increase survival by approximately 30% (a percentage that increases even further where an External Semi-Automatic Defibrillator is available within the first few minutes of onset). It is desirable, therefore, to instil a culture of first aid and life-saving manoeuvres in the younger generations in order to limit the damage caused by delayed life-saving manoeuvres. The «Un battito di mani» project aims to train children attending class V primary schools (Veneto Region) in the execution of Basic Life Support (BLS) manoeuvres, assessing their retention after about three months.

BLS, CPR, primary school, children, resuscitation.
