Table of contents

Volume 64, Issue 1, January 2017


Jan 2017

Studi e ricerche

Methodological implications of the religious principle in Salesian education

Finding our bearings in times of crisis. Preparing for the future, starting from school

«Pedagogy of Liberation, a Palestinian Perspective». Cultivating new ways to engage each other in a context of conflict

Substance use prevention in adolescence. Testing a self-help manual in the school setting

Fathers who read aloud: A study about features of fathers who read to their children in order to sustain more fathers’ involvement in promoting reading

An empirical study on institutional educational activities for social responsibility in central and northern Italy

Esperienze, documentazione e riflessioni

Schools in tents as an instrument to improve resilience. Research and observations about students, teachers and parents’ memories

Didactic communication in science

The value and risk of thought induced by technologies

Orientamenti bibliografici
