Fathers who read aloud: A study about features of fathers who read to their children in order to sustain more fathers’ involvement in promoting reading

Maria Elena Scotti

This paper describes the research results about features of fathers who usually read aloud to their children (3-6 years old). This work has the aim to know which conditions support fathers’ presence in home reading practice; its utility is to find to find effective ways to increase fathers’ role in family reading habits because many European studies show the importance of fathers in reading promotion. Methodologically we used Mixed Methods, therefore we compared and integrated quantitative data (by almost 300 questionnaires analyzed) and qualitative data (by analysis of 10 semi-structured interviews). Research results show that fathers, who read aloud, are fond of books and live in families interested in reading and its educational aspects. Key words: father, reading aloud, reading promotion.

Father, Reading aloud, Reading promotion.
