The precariousness of employment as a biopolitical and a bio economical devise

Fabrizio d’Aniello

This article fits within the framework of labour pedagogy. It aims to study the condition of job insecurity as a bio-political and bio-economic mechanism which thwarts educability in post-Fordist work contexts. The argument starts from the anthropological background offered by industrial productive work. Specifically the paper focuses on the relationship between occupational insecurity and existential insecurity in the era of cognitive bio-capitalism; addresses the problem of contractual individualisation — seen as a result of the neoliberal individualisation of work — in regard to the complete mobilisation of human energies; highlights the connection between insecurity and consumption. In conclusion the contribution underlines the political and cultural role that education should undertake for the purposes of reconsidering work and economic action.

Pedagogy of work, job insecurity, bio-politics and bio-economy
