Educating sexuality and affectivity in middle school. The experience of Giovanna Righini Ricci, teacher and writer

Rossella Caso

Sexual and emotional education at school is one of the most debated issue nowdays in Italy, also because of the Buona Scuola (article 16 of a set of new laws about school) e of the gender theory. After a brief presentation of the issue, this paper focuses the attention on the presentation of a pioneering experience of sexual education in a secondary school in the hinterland of Milan, conducted in the early Seventies by Giovanna Righini Ricci (Lugo di Romagna, 1933–Bologna, 1993), teacher and writer, author of about fifty books for children and young adults and of a considerable number of scientific pedagogical articles and didactic works. This paper, in addition to highlight the extraordinary actuality of the methodology developed and applied by Giovanna Righini Ricci, proposes a reflection on the need of a sexual education at school, according to the guidelines recently reaffirmed also by the Who, with the goal of a full promotion of the empowerment of the subject in formation.

Sexual education, school, Giovanna Righini Ricci.
