The dimension of time in educational innovation processes: Compaction of the school calendar, Failed with credit, Spaced Learning, Flipped Classroom

Stefania Chipa, Lorenza Orlandini

Time, together with space and teaching, is one of the dimensions Italian schools are testing to develop innovative teaching-learning practices focused on a more active students role. The aim is to go over the traditional teaching model, predominantly lecture-based. This paper focuses in particular on those practices in which time acts as an enabling factor to activate innovation. Here we present and discuss Block scheduling, Grade retention with course credits, Spaced Learning and Flipped Classroom, four practices selected from the twelve ideas for innovation composing the cultural movement Avanguardie Educative, founded in 2015 by INDIRE and twenty-two innovative italian schools. After having implemented and tested these ideas in Avanguardie Educative schools, here we describe how time dimension can trigger active and engaging teaching and learning processes.

Time, innovation, teaching practices.
