Physical education and improvement of availability of attention in school age

Vincenzo Biancalana, Cristiana Lucchetti

The aim of this study is to verify the hypothesis according to which a psychomotor session conducted before an educational test (in the case of a dictation), can increase the availability of attention in pupils aged between 7 and 8 years and the quality of the result to the test.
170 pupils were involved for this purpose, who have been given two different types of intervention: a dictation test (D) and a dictation test preceded by a gym session (Ex + D). Afterwards, we proceeded to calculate the errors made in the various tests and to the statistical analysis.
From the data analysis it emerged that the media of errors made in the dictations is lower and statistically significant (p < 0.0005) when a psychomotor gymnastics session precedes the dictates compared to when they are made without any intervention.
In conclusion, it was observed that psychomotor activity is to be considered a good opportunity to stimulate availability of attention and improve learning performance and this urges us to say that it can become usual practice in the school environment.

Learning, body, psychomotricity, attentiveness, didactic performance.
