Knowledge in the hand

Manuela Valentini, Andrea Murru

The article considers the strong link between hand and mind seen through the points of view of different authors, which treated this argument in the course of time. In this particular case, we will analyze the concepts of Maria Montessori and Immanuel Kant, which starting from similar assumptions, took advantage of this relationship to get important results in very different sectors like the childhood education and the philosophy. A reflection that is based on these two great names to emphasise once again how doing, the operability, the oculo-manual coordination encourage the self-knowledge, the knowledge of others and of the environment around us and how a sensory education is essential since we were kids.
Mind and hand are the key of the perfect combination that makes a man capable of carrying out countless activities and ready to find solutions; the grip strength and the thumb to forefinger opposition are crucial, thanks to which we succeed to have a brilliant and unique (fine) motor control.

Montessori Method, Kantian Nosology, Hand Labour.
