
Maria Grazia Riva

Guidance is often used in every-day speech as though it were a clear and defined area, on which there is by now agreement and consensus on its definition, its theories and models of reference, its methodologies and practices implemented. In actual fact, this vision turns out to be somewhat of a cliché, which does not correspond in full to the reality of the situation. Guidance can be supported by several visions of the world and/or ideologies, some more attentive to inclusion and the democratic nature of the processes supporting the growth of people and societies, and some more aimed at the criteria of Darwinian selection. It is precisely because of these potential, less visible ideological levels that the process and practices of guidance must be reconsidered in a way that is neither predictable nor banal, by deconstructing its multiple levels of conditioning, whether they are positive or negative.


Guidance, education, conditioning, subjectivity.
