Table of contents

Volume 65, Issue 4, October 2018


Oct 2018


Mario Oscar Llanos

Studi e ricerche

Pedagogical supervision in educational social work

Disability, migration and communicative musicality at the nursery. Video-research in action

Vocational Education and Training as an opportunity for personal and cultural growth of students

The subclinical traits of anti-social personality and emotional influence in a group of young Italian adults

Esperienze, documentazione e riflessioni

The crisis of educational systems between descolarization and re-circulation. Unesco’s «Education 2030» program

Evidence-based programs in the selective prevention of eating disorders: A systematic review of recent literature

Theater at school: Yesterday, today, between ancient and new educational possibilities

Religious pluralism and educational action. A research on Christmas festivities in Milan’s infant schools

The training experience of the PhD students of the Salesian Pontifical University 2016/2017

Orientamenti bibliografici
