Table of contents

Volume 13, Issue 3, November 2016


Nov 2016


Giacomo Stella, Enrico Savelli

Orientamenti della ricerca

The prevalence of dyslexia in a school sample in the Veneto Region

Learning Difficulties and Disorders: Representations of teachers in the Veneto Region

Self-esteem, set of attributions and internalising symptoms in dyslexic children

«Why the calculator to a dyslexics?». Educational reflections and operational proposals

Strumenti applicativi

De.Co.Ne. battery for reading. Tools for evaluating reading abilities in primary schools


SLD and SEN: Second follow-up in the Elba healthcare district

A meta-phonology experience in a perspective of continuity between preschool and primary school


Eventi e notizie dall’Italia

Una finestra sull’Europa