Table of contents

Volume 13, Issue 2, June 2016


Jun 2016


Enrico Savelli, Giacomo Stella

Orientamenti della ricerca

Dyslexia and music: From shared mechanisms to treatments

Fluency-based training using Repeated Reading

The effects of Analogical-Intuitive Treatment on the evolution of number/calculation skills in dyscalculic students. Held at follow-up (> 12 months from discharge) and comparison with untreated dyscalculic subjects

Tablets and Executive Functions: A study on Specific Learning Disabilities

Strumenti applicativi

The treatment of dysorthographia with the software Dal Suono al Segno (From Sound to Sign) in subjects with Developmental Dyslexia


Handwriting: A «relic» of the past or an essential skill for the future?

Learning to write in primary year one: Why cursive handwriting is better


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