The effects of Analogical-Intuitive Treatment on the evolution of number/calculation skills in dyscalculic students. Held at follow-up (> 12 months from discharge) and comparison with untreated dyscalculic subjects

Itala Ripamonti Riccardi, Barbara Cividati, Valentina Russo

The research highlights the results obtained following Analogical-Intuitive Treatment (10-12 months of therapy) with dyscalculic subjects and the skills proving most sensitive to the training. The duration over time of the benefits achieved with the treatment was assessed in a large number of subjects (44), using a follow-up check more than 12 months after discharge. Finally, the evolution of the skills of subjects treated with the analogical-intuitive approach was compared with that of untreated dyscalculic youths of the same age. This comparison shows how the lack of treatment results in a flattening of abilities and skills, especially those related to calculation, even for basic requests, supporting the hypothesis that envisages the involvement of an innate analogical module.


Dyscalculia, analogical-intuitive approach, follow-up.
