Inclusive didactic action: a matter of style?

Diana Carmela Di Gennaro, Paola Aiello, Iolanda Zollo, Maurizio Sibilio

The present work aims to offer a theoretical reflection and an overview of the scientific literature on teaching and learning styles, in the light of the challenge posed by full inclusion and starting from the assumption that the specificity and uniqueness of each individual represents a resource for the educational processes. In this perspective, the concept of vicariance seems to suggest an original interpretation of the didactic experience as it could represent a possible adaptive tool allowing teachers and learners to mobilize their resources in a flexible and divergent way, according to their inclinations and natural dispositions. This vision is part of a series of studies that investigate the didactic action considering the possible interconnection between hard and soft sciences and foreshadowing new transdisciplinary research scenarios.

Inclusion, cognitive styles, vicariance, individual differences, teaching-learning process.
