Apprendimento significativo, cambiamenti, valore esemplare dell’ipertesto

Vincenzo A. Piccione

The dealt-with-context in the first part of this paper is the one where, at present, as never before in human history, younger generations have a kind of knowledge, the technological one, about which the adult generations are not unique and total holders. Adult generations are often unable to explain its contents, instructions for use, usability and re-usability, meanings, cognitive strategies involved in managing it, communicational codes and channels, specific languages. The educational and didactical points of view face, at present, an important challenge: analysing the reasons why innovative didactical tools can foster the motivation to learn, can strengthen the perception of knowledge as a net of contents and meanings. In this paper, the impact experienced when bridging the hypertext contents is commented.

Learning processes, changes, pedagogical approaches.
