The research. A process of change in initial training

María Verónica Nava Avilés, Laura Guadalupe Carreño Crespo

Research in the initial training of teachers focuses on educational change and innovation, and the work highlights its importance by incorporating «other» epistemologies while the knowledge of different traditions and perspectives is valued, which allows it to contribute significantly to the enrichment of the training process as a culture of research and reflection from the initial stages; with this, dynamic and reflective learning is promoted, by strengthening analytical, critical and creative skills. The approach: how does including these alternative epistemologies facilitate a more holistic understanding of knowledge in the educational field? It opens a diversity of approaches to the educational process, making research a transdisciplinary and co-creative element that enables future teachers to explore and value different ways of knowing and learning. By problematizing levels of reality, a crucial aspect emerges that encourages teachers to question their understanding of the educational practice through constructive dialogue with multiple epistemic perspectives, promoting a shift towards more open research that influences the training of critical teachers in dynamic and resilient environments, in their function as learning communities, as co-responsible for the educational process in an increasingly complex society.


Research, Teacher training, «Other» epistemologies, Transdisciplinarity.
