Italian School and digitalization

Tommaso Farina

During the pandemic, the educational contexts reorganized themselves and inevitably transferred teaching from physical places to virtual settings. This fact clarified the need to rethink teachers’ skills in a perspective of integration of ICT’s theoretical and practical knowledge in their curricula. In fact, the risk related to the failure of transferring this knowledge to teaching staffs is that technological equipment and school digitalization, as required by the Italian «PNRR 2021» investments plan, will be inadequate to bridge the digital divide in our Country. For this reason, among the main challenges of Pedagogy, particularly referred to tertiary education and the professional teachers’ updating, there is the urgency to significantly reflect on the nature of digital natives’ learning processes. Furthermore, a pedagogical, technological, and didactic co-design of learning devices, increasingly based on the informative and collaborative potential of the Web and the online platforms for DDI is needed.


School, Internet, Digitalization, Teacher’s training, Digital divide.
