Adolescents in the land border: From bodily experience to the redefinition of identity. Pilot survey in a sample of teens using the Human Figure Drawing Test and the Rorschach Test

Vittorio Luigi Castellazzi, Giuseppe Crea, Antonio Dellagiulia, Grazia Perriello

In the last decades the to spread, among the teen-agers, of an emotional distress more and more acted in the affective relationships, although often disguised as attitudes of pseudo social maturity, has generated careful reflection and a fervent debate inside the psychoanalysis. In this debate is emerged a sense of emotional distress adolescent present as the result, on the one hand the values and cultural transformations of the post-modern society, more and more oriented to the value of self-realization, liberty and the absolute enjoyment, and from the other as the result of an increasingly massive eclipse of the paternal function. Absence that inevitably creates difficulty for the teenager to internalize the function of the limit necessary for the attainment of the position of subject, including the ability to discriminate between self and other, between generations and sexes are important demonstrations of it. The present job of search intends to explore the deep dynamics of the subjectivity process in a sample of 42 adolescents no patients (21 males and 21 females) and show how the educational function of the limit, embodied by the Law of the Father, is a decisive factor for to favor the process of subjectivity of adolescents and its absence, on the contrary, a factor that slows down and /or hinders the process of redefinition of identity.

Adolescence, process of subjectivation, Rorschach Test, Human Figure Drawing Test, male identity, female identity.
