A telematic intervention based on the Play Specialist model. A qualitative investigation of a psycho-pedagogical experience during the pandemic

Giulia Perasso, Chiara Allegri, Alice Maggiore, Gloria Camurati

The present study provides the psycho-pedagogical research field with qualitative insights about the telematic Play Specialist-based intervention for children with a wide range of pathologies. The paper depicts the state of the art around this professionalism, including definition, historical evolution, and outcomes on children’s wellbeing. Up to date, the Play Specialist is not recognized in the international and national healthcare system, and it is supported by no-profit organizations (e.g., charities, trusts). Given pandemics’ restrictions, these professionals’ access to pediatric hospitals has been limited. Porto dei Piccoli (Italy, Genoa) rose to the contextual challenges by creating a telematic adaptation of the Play Specialist intervention. The paper investigates parents and professionals’ perceptions of the telematic Play Specialist intervention, entitled «The Sea on the Web». Results from a survey-interview protocol are presented and discussed for a better understanding of telematic session methodological limits and strengths. Notwithstanding the challenges given by the virtual context, providing psycho-pedagogical interventions through the internet is necessary to overcome social isolation of children with clinical conditions and their families during pandemics.

Playing, hospital, child, parent, Covid-19, Play Specialist.
