The class magazine as a way to promote motivation to write

Valerio Ferrero

This work is aimed to identify the pedagogical and teaching values underlying the creation of a class magazine. After tracing a synthetic theoretical framework about writing and textuality and having investigated the meanings of writing within the normative documents that guide the planning and teaching action, we will investigate how the tool of the class magazine can to promote intrinsic motivation in writing for learners. In this sense, it will be useful to define the concept of motivation previously and give a definition of cooperation with respect to the collaborative writing process.

In order to give operational depth to the theoretical reflections, we will analyse the experience that led to the production of a class magazine within a fourth class of primary school, investigating its meanings and representations by learners: this experience is reported by way of example, so that we can understand how collaborative writing practice can stimulate the taste for writing and lead to permanent learning as regards writing skills and, more generally, metalinguistic skills.

Primary school, language education, Italian language, textuality, intrinsic motivation.
