Essere un insegnante con delle competenze socio-emotive: un nuovo fronte per il benessere relazionale scolastico

Sofia Dal Zovo

In this article is highlighted how, for improve on several fronts an educative contest like the school, is necessary focus on the figure of the teacher and on his major self-awareness on the social-emotional front, not only cognitive. The teacher, understood how important trainer and landmark for the students, beyond work for a better quality of teaching for improving management and classroom dynamics, for to get a relational well-being, he must be aware of his personal emotion experience and, to aim for new tools called social-emotional competence. Following the International examples which can offers programs on this subject already well underway, also the Italian school can arrive at a new way of education: social-emotional education, starting from the teachers, their writing practices, narratives from their diaries, up to affective self-awareness.

Teachers education, Awareness, Social emotional learning, Emotional experience, Narrative diaries.
