«Chiamale emozioni». Progetto di educazione socio-emotiva realizzato nella scuola ticinese: la voce degli insegnanti1

Davide Antognazza, Paola Della Casa

In this paper, we describe the results of the project «Call them emotions», realized in the primary school of the Canton Ticino by the Department of Education and Learning at the University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland. This project involved the design, testing and analysis of the results of a social and emotional program in kindergarten and during the first two years of primary school. Here the analysis of the final interviews conducted in 57 teachers who took part in the two-year trial is presented, highlighting the results achieved both in terms of skills acquired by the children and by the teachers. In particular, teachers say they have improved their ability to observe students and give new meaning to their behavior in class, to provide a new kind of attention to the students and to approach even particularly complex situations with greater self-control. The project was based on the program PATHS (Promoting Alternative Thinking Strategies), but allowed teachers, supported by two tutors, to propose their own activities and strategies, shaped on the groups of students they have in class.

Social and emotional learning, Qualitative research, Kindergarten, Elementary school, PATHS.
