Educational match/mismatch on graduates with disabilities and learning disorders from the University of Turin

Rosa Bellacicco

This paper focuses on graduates with disabilities and learning disorders from the University of Turin (UniTo), with the aim of exploring the phenomenon of match/mismatch between the level of education acquired and that one required to get the current job, as well as the determinants relating to schooling which are predictors of a good match. The study uses both administrative data, referred to the academic and professional careers of UniTo graduates between 2012 and 2016 (n=301), and qualitative data resulting from interviews with 10 of them employed in a coherent job. On a quantitative level the presence of a mismatch is observed among almost half of the examined population with disabilities/learning disabilities; a higher final grade, a Master’s Degree and scientific/health fields are associated to a better match. The interviews also show that this implies a thought-out and fully aware choice of the course of study, a strong investment in work experiences during one’s studies and in practicum placements, a proactive use of university services and the participation in activities — academic and not — to strengthen soft skills.


Educational match/mismatch, graduates with disabilities and learning disabilities, predictors, academic experience.
