National Integrated System for Development Cooperation in El Salvador

Sandra Alas Guidos

National and international cooperation in El Salvador represents a fundamental factor as a foreign policy strategy of the Farabundo Martí National Liberation Front (FMLN) Government.
The creation of the Vice Ministry of Development Cooperation within the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has allowed an increase in the different types of resources available for the implementation of the Five-Year Government Plan, particularly in the following priority areas: Education, Productivity and Security. The creation of the National Integrated System for Development Cooperation has made cooperation efficacy possible through different modalities and instruments.
Of these, it is important to note the South-South and Triangular Cooperation for its innovative work methodology as well as the Non-Official and Decentralised Cooperation, which contributes to the strengthening of the social structure of El Salvador. The management of a Cooperation Effectiveness National Agenda and Strategy sets the basis for the modernisation of public management in this area, promotes a high level of participation and transparency, and articulates the actions of bilateral and multilateral players with strategic partners of public institutions, governments, local organisations and agencies, and private companies.

Cooperation, system, integration, solidarity, decentralisation, efficiency, transparency, participation
