Table of contents

Volume 23, Issue 2, May 2024


May 2024


Silvia Dell'Anna
Open access

International models and perspectives

European Universities: A Tool for Self-Assessing Inclusiveness and Promoting the Mobility of Students with Disabilities3

Open access

When Fear Knocks on the Door: The Case of a Picture Book

Open access

Italian models and perspectives

Teachers with Specific Learning Disorders (SLD) in the Italian School System: A Valuable Resource

Open access

Investigating the Accessibility of Work for Persons with Disabilities. The Contribution of Special Pedagogy6

Open access

Research, proposals and methods

Provided They Are Accessible: A Desk Review of Italian Statistical and Administrative Data on Persons with Disabilities

Open access


Ovide Decroly: A Pioneer of ICF-Based IEP

Open access

Projects and best practices

Children Love design. Good practices of Universal Design4

Open access

Open issues

Rethinking Museum Accessibility to Create Experiential Spaces of Inclusion and Innovation

Open access


The Miracle Worker: A Film Against the Culture of Indulgence and Pity5

Open access


Aggiornamenti normativi

Open access

Aggiornamenti normativi

Open access