The new relational preventive perspective for guidance and career counseling in 21st century

Annamaria Di Fabio

This contribution aims to delineate the new preventive relational perspective in guidance and career counseling in the 21st century. Starting from a reflection on the new relational perspective of working, the new preventive relational perspective for development of career project is examined, both in decisional processes of youngest people and in a lifelong perspective for guidance and readiness in construction of successful lives. Relationships, listening and dialogic facilitation seem fundamental concepts to preventively develop skills necessary for choosing in an autonomous, aware, self-determined and adaptive manner. Furthermore a new theoretical model will be introduced, the Positive Lifelong Self and Relational Management (PLS&RM), as authentic and positive manifestation of one’s own resources to favour the expression of the Self value within the community.

preventive relational perspective; guidance and career counseling in 21st century; information; guidance; dialogue; Positive Lifelong Self and Relational Management (PLS&RM).
