A project to develop people in organizations: psychological workplace counseling in the Local Health Corporation of Modena

Lucia Camellini, Maria Cristina Florini, Caryn Vallesi

The twenty-first century "occupational society" requires more and more operating abilities and cognitive and relational resources from workers. As a result, workers may be affected with anxiety, stress, burnout, mobbing, workaholism, relational conflicts and similar problems, generically defined as "workplace distress". This hazard also affects the health care system. The Local Health Corporation of Modena, in response to this need, has planned and implemented a psychological counseling service, in order to counteract workplace distress and to encourage organizational wellbeing. Based on the experience of Modena, this article discusses the advantages and disadvantages of different kinds of planning, communication and organizational positioning of counseling interventions. Moreover, this article explains some significant cases and introduces perspectives and strategical considerations.


psychological counseling; workplace distress; personnel development; health care service.
