From Personal Resources to Employability

Maria Luisa Giancaspro, Cataldo Giuliano Gemmano, Lucia di Modugno, Amelia Manuti

The transformations in the world of work have influenced school-university-work transition processes, requiring young graduates to develop their employability in order to achieve their career goals. In this context of changes, theoretical models and empirical evidence have shown the importance of personal resources, such as acceptance of change and career adaptability, in processes of employability. The objective of the study is to investigate why and how acceptance of change is linked to employability, hypothesizing the mediating role of career adaptability. Participants were 130 young graduates who filled out the Acceptance of Change Scale, the Career Adapt-Abilities Scale and the Multidimensional Employability Scale. Results of structural equation models showed positive and significant relationships between the variables of interest and a significant indirect effect of acceptance of change on employability through the mediation of career adaptability. Theoretically, these results contribute to explaining that acceptance of change indirectly supports employability because it affects the development of career adapt-abilities, which, in turn, are fundamental for employability. Practically, the study sustains the implementation of interventions aimed at developing personal resources to support the career processes of young graduates.


Employability, Acceptance of change, Career adaptability, Young graduates, Personal resources.
