Innovative instruments for guidance and career counseling within the Positive Self and Relational Management model

Annamaria Di Fabio, Federico Venceslai

This contribution is anchored to the Positive Self and Relational Management (PS&RM) model, which focuses on the development of resources and potential and individual talents in a lifespan perspective, underlining the positive dialectic of self in relationships. Within this framework, the characteristics of guidance and career counseling interventions in the twenty-first century are outlined. Furthermore, the quali+quanti perspective is introduced in order to verify the effectiveness of guidance and career counseling interventions, and both qualitative and quantitative innovative tools for verifying the effectiveness of interventions are presented. The importance of enhancing individual resources in a primary prevention perspective and in strength-based prevention perspectives, in order to respond effectively and adaptively to the challenges of the current world of work, is underlined.


Positive Self and Relational Management (PS&RM), innovative tools, guidance and career counselling, intervention effectiveness; primary prevention, strength-based prevention perspectives.
