Teacher self-evaluation in view of meaningful learning

Pina Alcolea, Zbigniew Formella

In this work, we present a proposal for the self-assessment of the teacher. It is the result of a theoretical and conceptual study. We show that only a teacher aware of the need for his own self-assessment will be able to establish an effective educational relationship with the students. As a result, it will foster meaningful learning, carried out by the human and didactic competence of the teacher and a willing collaboration of the student. Within the text, two cards are proposed as self-training tools: the first is a conceptual synthesis of the scientific literature in view of a significant learning of the students, and the second, consequent with the student voice, a resource for self-evaluation of the teacher to achieve this purpose, the application result of the present research.

Teacher, self-reflection, educational relationship, learning, learner, student voice.
