Internet based didactic

Caterina Cangià

Having in mind «who» teaches, «what» is taught and «how» it is done, we suggest some prospects among many others that Internet offers to didactic, specifically, drawing from repositories raw materials, lifelong learning and collaboration. Last but not least, enriching the repositories themselves. The attention that teachers pay to the richness of different repositories that are either texts or audio or video brings them to consider the didactic impact of books, first of all, from which they can take excerpts to integrate their lessons; and, secondly, to consider dictionaries and encyclopedias that are very easy to consult and that cover both the literary field and the scientific one. The impact of videoclips and of limitless collections of images and sounds helps teachers in their preparation of lively and interactive lessons and might motivate students to deepen the subject matters that they study. The Internet, more than being a repository of raw materials, offers an extended range of online courses for updating and self-formation. As for didactic for secondary school and university, the software which invite to collaborate and share researches are very much esteemed because they help the starting up of communities of practice.

Internet, didactics, teacher, collaboration.
