Articles coming from journals: Reasoned bibliography

Davide Basili

This time the journal intends to concentrate also for this section on essays related to the theme of the monographic issue, «Internet: instrument and (s) object of educational research», instead of the usual bibliographical guidelines. Every intervention in this number already contains the reporting of specific books related to it. In this final part we wanted to present a bibliographic review, which is built on the basis of the articles in the journal, which are usually less mentioned in the interventions. The following articles refer to the research and reflections expressed by different authors in the last six years. We chose to divide the material into three main areas: the first concerns the use of the internet in everyday life, that is how teenagers and young people use daily the internet; the second refers to the Internet as a tool and educational and didactic resource in the school, that is what are the ways in which the internet can be used to encourage learning processes and also what are the limits of this use; finally, the third area is centered on the use of the Internet in an incorrect or pathological way, expression of these are mainly internet addiction and cyberbullying.

Internet use, youth, adolescents, didactics, internet addiction, cyberbullying.
