Scrivere di sé nell’adolescenza: autobiografia e memoir a scuola

Nicola Contegreco

Writing of oneself may be used as a precious medium within the educational paths during the delicate phase of adolescence. Although not formally dealing with the educational programs, this practice, properly proposed and structured, may support and make significant and active the growth of a student specifically at school. The consideration about one’s own existence offers a chance to learn and build again its meanings, because to analyze the past is like giving it new sense, taking part of the realization of the present time, especially in a transforming phase like the adolescence is. Among the types of biographical texts, the «memoir» appears to be very appropriate for this aim, because it requests a more emotional and subjective approach than the one we had in the traditional autobiographical writing. An emotional truth more than a factual truth, an authentic story more than an objective truth about what has really happened.

Autobiography, Memoir, Adolescence, School.
