Uso di internet e autostima – Ricerca esplorativa su un gruppo di adolescenti di Roma e Provincia

Marco Nicoli, Zbigniew Formella, Krzysztof Szadejko

The main purpose of this study was to explore levels of teenage Internet Addiction and perception of self-esteem among adolescents, aged 11-19 years, with the average of 14, 7 years, in the territory of Rome and province. In the research participated 948 adolescents (50,4% male and 49,6% female). In the study were used two tests: Internet Addiction Test (IAT), created by Kimberly Young in 1996 to measure the psychopathological risk associated to the use of the internet, and the Multidimensional Self-esteem Test (TMA), created by Bruce A. Bracken in 2003 to measure the construct of self-esteem. The study showed the presence of the phenomenon of problematic use of the internet among Roman adolescents and its negative influence on the perception of self-esteem. We assume that the «emergent problem» of technology addiction requests a very careful consideration. It is evident that even young toddlers are at risk of becoming digital addicts, therefore there is strong need for preventive interventions. The future is digital, therefore anticipating the times, we need to get ready to deal with a Digital Addiction.

Internet, Adolescents, Addiction, Self-esteem.
