Between universalism and relativism.The age of rights in educational philosophy

Anita Gramigna, Giovanni Ganino

The intent of this reflection is to reintroduce the important text by Norberto Bobbio, L’età dei diritti (1990), read according to a philosophical-educational interpretation, with hermeneutical references aimed at understanding the origins of its formation. The famous book, which aims to investigate the complex question on a scientific basis, lends itself to an educational matrix interpretation: due to the critical force with which the author abandons the path of the rights of nature in order to frame them within the historical process. In this way, the philosopher of law and politics teaches the tasks that fall due to each of us over time: collective participation in decisions, negotiating between different positions, commitment to the expansion of freedom, respect for opponents, and openness of mind in research. There is an entrusted democratic development of citizens, not the illusion of an absolute rational foundation of human rights, but the conviction of their progressive growth and adaptation to changes in the way of life worldwide.

Hermeneutics, epistemology, politics, education.
