Personalized Didactic Plan for students with specific learning difficulties. A survey about the perception of parents

Enrico Angelo Emili, Valeria Friso

In accordance with law number 170 of October 8, 2010, «new rules about specific learning difficulties at school» teachers must prepare a personalized didactic plan (PDP) for those students, who have been diagnosed with specific learning difficulties. The aim of this research is to gain knowledge on how schools are being managed in this new area and to investigate the impact of the PDP on teachers, parents, and students with DSA. In this paper we present the data gathered from questionnaires, which were addressed to the parents. It focuses on the parents’ perception of the usefulness of the PDP for their children. The majority of the parents’ who took part in the survey underline the utility of PDP but have some reservations and criticisms.

Inclusion, specific learning difficulties, Personalized Didactic Plan, parents, perception.
