Tavola rotonda: Educare è orientare. Quale formazione per gli educatori? – Intervento di A. Ferraroli

Alessandro Ferraroli

The article examines the Italian situation referring to teacher formation in Italy’s current educational system by stressing its inadequacies and by suggesting possible «non-conventional» alternatives. At present, compulsory school often faces orientation rather superficially, focusing on the informational level and almost ignoring formation and counselling. On the other hand, MIUR (Italian Board of Education) produced several interesting documents regarding orientational formation. In a document that MIUR published on February 19th 2014, school is acknowledged as having a pivotal role and it is described as being in charge of carrying out orientational activities aimed at building and empowering specific orientation competences. It is a long way and a difficult one, too. Notwithstanding all these intentions, praxis did not change much, as far as the choice of the right highschool and University courses is concerned: orientation is above all information. While the necessary reforms are being implemented, how can this orientational aspect be encouraged in students? An informal, minor level formation is postulated in this paper, made of attitudes which create a positive climate in the teacher-student relationship.

Orientation, Education, Formation, School, Life (Vocational) Choices.
